Pastor Damian committed his life to the Lord in 1980 at Calvary Chapel Napa California at the age of 25. He had previously been employed as a cable splicer with the phone company. His family moved from Napa to Modesto in June of 1985 to plant a Calvary Chapel there. In the years since a vibrant fellowship has grown and now serves and loves the surrounding Modesto community in the name of Jesus Christ. Damian is married to his wife Karin. They have two children, Tyler and Morgan.
Kyle’s emphasis in ministry is upon making mature disciples of Jesus Christ as commanded in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 through the method described in Acts 2:42: by continuing steadfastly in teaching God’s Word, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Kyle believes that when the emphasis of the church becomes what God wants it to be, then He will add to the church daily such as should be saved as Acts 2:47 declares.